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Advanced configuration

Advanced settings of Quickstream Node are stored in the quickstream5.ini file. The file is located in:

  • /opt/quickstream/etc/quickstream-node directory on Linux
  • c:\ProgramData\Quickstream\Quickstream Node on Windows


consoleLog - enables (value 1) or disables (value 0) logging to standard output. Useful for debugging in non-daemon mode.

ffmpegLogLevel - enables more detailed logging, including logs for ffmpeg. Please refer to ffmpeg documentation for more information.

guid={594b0b05-8291-4262-978b-1218215a7b71} - this value uniquely identifies Quickstream Node. Please do not edit this value. hostname - text string identifying Quickstream Node in the management interface (local or cloud). This value may be changed in Quickstream Cloud or by the local setup application.
logLevel= Quickstream Node log level. This value may also be changed from the setup application and management interface. Please refer to Logs section for more information.


accessLevel - defines which hosts may connect with the local management interface. May have the following values: 0 - local management access is disabled, 1 - local management access is limited to localhost, 2 - local management access is limited to the local network, 3 - local management access is not restricted (access password is still required).

webSocketPort - local port number (32123 by default) used for websocket communication between the local management interface and Quickstream Node process. Please change the port number when another application uses it. wwwPort local port number (32125 by default) used by the web server that provides a local web management interface (http://[node-ip-address]:wwwPort). Please change the port number when another application uses it.