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Installing Blackmagic Decklink driver

Recommended version

Recommended version of Blackmagic driver is 14.1.0, but you can try newer or older version as well!

Blackmagic SDI input/output requires a hardware SDI card from Blackmagic!

This hardware was not designed and manufactured by Quickstream and is not provided with software!

Before using Decklink PCI cards (SDI/HDMI), you must first install Decklink drivers. Quickstream does not redistribute drivers for Decklink devices for Windows or Linux-based OS.

Official Decklink driver from Blackmagic may be found on the website: Blackmagic Design support

Blackmagic Design support website

Select Capture and Playback, then search for the version currently used by Quickstream Node. You can check which version of Decklink driver we are using in the Third party components chapter of the documentation. At this moment, we are using version 14.1.0. Then download that version of Software Update regarding to OS that Quickstream Node is using. Finally install it on same server as Quickstream Node is running.

More detailed information on installing Decklink card in your computer is provided by manufacturer Blackmagic on their support site and in the drivers themselves. Quickstream support could also help you with installation and choice of Decklink card.

Use Software Update

Download Software Update also named Desktop Video not Developer SDK also named Desktop Video SDK.

Newer cards

Some cards requires newer driver than version used by Quickstream. If you have such a card use newer driver. It will be compatible with Quickstream.

Headless Linux

If you are using headless Linux configuration without Wayland or X11. You do not need to install all software from Decklink drivers. You only need to install desktopvideo for ex. desktopvideo_11.5.1a14_amd64.deb which is just a driver. Without any dependencies to GUI libraries. You can install it using dpkg or apt. Other packages contains additional GUI tools which are useless for Quickstream.